Marketing: The whole new perspective

Manas raj
5 min readDec 3, 2020

Is it all about making sales?

Let’s find out!

Today, marketing is evolved to digital marketing. Marketers are using new and proven tactics to grab people’s attention so businesses can make more sales. This is the end of traditional marketing and the new era of digital marketing has arrived. Marketing is evolved but if marketing got digitalized does that mean marketing has changed? Probably not!

Can we say marketing 2.0? Yes! we can but the fundamentals will always remain same.

The fact is knowing about the customer has always been the most important aspect of marketing. When we know our customer’s buying psychology such as what they buy, where they buy, why they buy and from whom they buy it becomes easy to know their demands from the market. It is where marketing comes forth.

The fundamentals of marketing:

Let’s first understand what is marketing and why it is needed

“Marketing is the generous act of helping someone solve a problem. Their problem. Marketing helps others become who they seek to become”. Seth makes a distinction between bad marketing and good marketing. — Seth Godin

Seth Godin the great marketer of our times beautifully explains what marketing is. Usually when the word marketing comes to my mind, I understand marketing as a means to promote products and services using several techniques and tactics that grabs audience attention to take a particular action. Good marketing helps businesses generate direct returns on made investment.

Why marketing is needed?

There are several reasons to that the first is,

  1. Apart from H.R, Accounting, Production, Operations Marketing plays a most crucial role in providing direct returns to the business and neither of the above business activities can do that.
  2. Marketing is needed to build relationships with their customers by providing particular products or services they want from the market. Marketing helps business to do that.
  3. Marketing requires good communication. The transfer of an appropriate message to the audience is required. Marketing helps to do that as well so that it becomes easy for customers to buy the particular products or services they want.

Digital marketing vs. Traditional marketing

Traditional marketing prevailed from the early eighties (80’s) when internet wasn’t there. Use of print ads, radio ads, door to door selling, announcements of product or services to grab people’s attention prevailed very much. With the advent of internet traditional marketing turned into digital marketing.

Philip Kotler defines digital marketing as, ‘Digital marketing is a form of direct marketing which links consumers with sellers electronically using interactive technologies like emails, websites, online forums and newsgroups, interactive television, mobile communications etc. — (Kotler and Armstrong, 2009). Digital marketing involves marketing of products and services online to reach massive number of customers and sell them the desire products and services. Digital marketing is dynamic in nature which means it is constantly changing. It includes marketing using paid ads on platforms of social media websites like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. A good communication plays a major role in marketing. There are different components of digital marketing as well.

CATT Marketing Funnel

A funnel in marketing is an amazing concept that allow marketer to engage with customers and drive sales. A CATT funnel is how your audience will go through the entire journey with you from the initial stages when someone learns about your business, to the purchasing stage. By evaluating your funnels, you can potentially drive greater sales, more loyalty and stronger brand awareness.

CATT stands for as follows,

✓ C stands for content: Quality content creation is must. It builds trust of customer and increases credibility to buy more from the business owner. Actually, it attracts lot of people to your website.

✓ A stands for attention: Attention here means traffic of customers to your website of whatever niche it belongs, good content drives lot’s of traffic using social media.

✓ T stands for trust: Building trust with audience is crucial step in marketing. It can be done using marketing automation and creation of quality content.

✓ T stands for transaction: It is the ultimate purpose of marketing products and services online to make leads into potential customers.

Let’s now talk about Integrated Digital Marketing

The word ‘integrated’ is defined as aspects linked or coordinated.

Integrated digital marketing refers to techniques and tactics linked or coordinated when digital marketing is done for variety of products and services online. No one component is separate and does not work separate and are is all linked and functions coordinately and that's how integrated digital marketing works. For example, SEO does not work separately and will require continuous attention of marketer to keep track of key words online for better linking to the business website or Facebook page to drive maximum sales.

Personal Branding: MassTrust Blueprint

Let’s first learn about personal branding: Personal branding is a well curated effort of an individual, intent is to show authority and accountability in the specific area in business. Your personal brand is how you promote yourself out there. People become more interested in hearing from you and not from your brand. This is the power of personal brand.

MassTrust blueprint: It is a blueprint that involves successful stages to build your personal brand. This framework includes building trust with your audience, massive trust is very difficult to create but doable. It is when a person starts learning then apply their knowledge by working then one start to blog and write articles about what they have learnt so far and how it works then one starts to consult others then one starts mentoring others/helping others on the same journey they have been through successfully then finally one starts their own startup after having bundle of experience in the particular field. These are the stage or a framework one follows to build credibility and trust massively online. The best part is this framework always works stage through stage.


So far we have learnt about what marketing is how traditional marketing is different from digital marketing. The end of traditional marketing and advent of digital marketing, integrated digital marketing, CATT marketing funnel plus what is and how personal branding works including mass trust blueprint that helps people builds trust with the audience. I hope this article have added value to you & if you like my article hit some claps show some love by sharing what you most liked in the comment box and stay tuned for more articles like these. Deeply appreciate your time.

